Friday, September 29, 2023


 I have been thinking about the perfection of the Universe and everything in it. The earth spins at a speed of about 1,000 miles per hour and orbits around the sun at a speed of about 67,000, as well as revolves on it's axis, all at the same time. Yet, all we feel is balance and stillness. The universe creates a feeling of stability for all of it's inhabitants. The universe is principled. Just like mathematics, it's principle can never change.  Also music and its notes. They are perfect, established and fundamentally unchanging.

We may do the calculations incorrectly and it appears the principle is wrong. However, it is always ourselves that have made the wrong calculations. Never the principle of math. I believe it is like that with our abundance and health. We were created with everything we would ever need. It is our wrong concepts and not deserving that creates lack and ill health.

For some this is difficult to understand. Absolutely everything that occurs in our lives is always a thought first and a thought can be changed. This sounds simplistic but it is a proven fact. The positive always creates and attracts good energy into our lives. It manifests in astounding ways. It is just the way it works. To non believers I say, give it a try. You have nothing to lose. We always get what we think. It may take some changes in our inner  dialog. Also, releasing old patterns of consciousness. Releasing old patterns is such a benefit. How much do we want the best for ourselves?

Friday, July 7, 2023


We were visiting my in- laws for the annual Thanksgiving Day feast in the desert of Southern California.  Our youngest daughter wasn't born yet, so this was early on in the journey of our life.  I remember sitting on my husband's lap, while he was sitting in his father's desk chair.  My husband got the strangest and spookiest look on his face!  He put his hand up over his ear and kind of shook his head slightly.  I knew something freaky and unusual had just occurred. Immediately, I asked," Jerry, what  happened?"  He kept saying nothing each time I asked.  Well, I knew better! I was relentless.  About, every half hour, I begged to know what was going on.
My husband knew about my own experiences and he himself had experienced several.  However, he was always a doubting Thomas.  Whatever had happened, I knew it was important!  After, several hours of my husband's silence and stubbornness, he agreed to tell me.
This was his translation: "It sounded like a radio tuner trying to find the right station. At first lots of static noise, then a clear and loud voice spoke in my ear.  The message was, watch out for the fast car on the freeway driving home tonight."
I told him "thank you for telling me honey."  Now, I had the capacity to help protect us and my small daughter. 
I was the lookout.  It became clear to me, that if we drove the 70 plus miles home, in the right slower lane of the freeway ,we would have access to the shoulder of the road and off ramps.  It was a long dark drive, on a two lane freeway, until we merged onto the 405 freeway.
Almost, at once, I yelled, "here he comes!"  I could see two headlights, in the middle lane, approaching well over 120 miles per hour.  when the car passed us, our little Volkswagen shook like we were in an earthquake! 
Whew, it was over.  We were safe.  I thanked my husband for having the courage to share his message from beyond with me.  I truly believed it saved our lives.

Thursday, July 6, 2023


Lewis Carrol, the famous author of Alice's Adventure In Wonderland once said, "Sometimes I have  as many as six impossible thoughts before breakfast."

There is a calendar on my kitchen wall that says, "ONLY CONNECT" under a drawing of two trapeze artists hanging by their legs with their arms stretched out swinging in opposite directions. Obviously, they are attempting to connect by synchronizing their swinging.  I believe when we synchronize our thoughts, (as they are energy) with love, peace, success, positive health, money and abundance which are all the exact same energy, we can have everything our hearts desire!  When we become loving, positive things flow into our lives.

The most peaceful and prosperous times in my life are when I realize that everyone creates their own reality.  This enables me to let go of any type of circumstance or situation that anyone is attempting to pull me into.  When I was a real estate manager for a prominent national company, that is how I managed as many as 150 sales people in my office.  It was amazing how easy and rewarding the experience was.  I loved everyone in that office because nothing could move me from the energy of my own peaceful thoughts.  The love created so much positive energy, we were all happy and successful.

We can accomplish this now.  Each and everyone of us is connected to our divine source.  We have the ability to choose our own thoughts that connect with the continuous joy that we all deserve! Wonderful health, success, abundance, money and happy relationships are a positive flowing thought of energy awaiting to manifest into out lives.  Nothing is impossible because everything is just a cosmic connection away!  

Sunday, June 11, 2023


Some of our greatest adventures in consciousness occur in our dream state and visualizations.  I have always been prone to intuit the future through my dreams.  Also, the ability to perceive and manifest my hearts desire, through positive affirmations and visualizations.

For several years I had a dream about living in a huge white house overlooking the water.  
As this was my hearts desire I didn't take too much stock in this repetitive dream.  Silly me!  I always included this scenario as part of my visualizations.  I specifically affirmed the ocean, but a different beach and city than where I actually ended up living.  That is why it is important to be open, flexible and include in our affirmations, for our highest good to be manifested.

When the time came to make a decision which house to choose, my daughter pointed out the fact that the house we were standing in was the big white house overlooking the water, that I had described to her so many times from my dream.  I was astounded that I had almost missed the signpost.  Me, who prides myself on being so aware!  I am giggling to myself as I write this.  Of course the rest is history.  We moved in and lived there for 10 wonderful years! 

Thursday, April 6, 2023


The real life Anna from the movie the King and I, lived during the late 1800's.  The content was taken from Anna's personal journals while in Siam, serving as governess, to the many children of the King of Siam.

One lesson that Anna taught the children was an interesting experiment.  She placed a hard-boiled egg on top of the opening of an empty bottle.  The children saw  no way to get the egg through the opening, down the neck and then into the bottle.  To all of the children it looked impossible.  Impossible was the answer they intoned one by one when Anna asked how they would accomplish this.

Anna then lit a small piece of paper on fire, place it inside the bottle and set the egg back on top.  Voila, the heat from the fire created a vacuum, which sucked the egg inside the bottle!  Simple, yes. 
Extremely phenomenal, yes!

How many times have we looked at a situation that seemed impossible to solve?  When we change the climate of our consciousness, change our words, thoughts and emotions to a more open and positive nature; we are then able to see the answers that were there all along.

As we release the past, old negative beliefs and live thoughtfully in the present moment, amazing miraculous events become our future!

Sunday, April 2, 2023


Abundance in our lives is as important as our breathing.  We have more than enough breaths to last our entire lives on this planet.  Manifesting abundance, prosperity, lavishness and yes money is as easy and effortless.  The divine power that provides our breaths is always providing everything else that we need.

We are the ones that limit ourselves.  Loving and approving of ourselves and others allows the flow of energy through and into our lives.   Everything is energy.  When we keep our thoughts open and receptive there is not anything that we can lack.  Our bodies respond with good health.  We have excellent relationships.  All of our daily needs are met including an abundance of money.

I can remember several times in my life that the abundance flowing in was so enormous, that I was grateful my consciousness was open and receptive.

I have a childhood friend that was visiting me in my office at work one day.  She was present when accounting called to say that my bonus was so large they would prefer to pay me in 2 installments. My friend asked what my bonus was and said she couldn't conceive earning that amount.  It was too large for her mind to accept!  She had never earned even half of what they wanted to send me.

That taught me a great lesson.  We can only receive from the universe what we are open to accept.  It is so important to continually love ourselves and know that we deserve only the best and that the best has yet to come!

Tuesday, January 17, 2023


There is a divine principle to Life that is the truth, accurate and stable. The principle of mathematics can never change or be distorted. It is always the same.  We are the ones who do it incorrectly and make mistakes.  It is incapable of making it's own wrong calculations.

Also, musical notes never change their originality or become inharmonious. It is the person creating the music that sings or plays the notes incorrectly, never the actual music.

When counterfeiters make fake money, they always do something incorrectly.  The FBI studies the original and then they can see the inaccuracy in the counterfeit bills.

It is like this when we live our lives.  It sometimes appears that our life or bodies exhibit symptoms of disease and lack in our lives.

It is always us who are imaging false thoughts in our consciousness that produce these results. We are the creators of our of our own reality.  We are not victims but victorious!  It is important to take back our own power.  No one has any power over us.  We are the only thinkers in our minds.

We are 100% responsible for everything that is occurring.  Its only a thought and a thought can be changed.  Easily and effortlessly.  Our point of power is in this present moment!