Tuesday, January 17, 2023


There is a divine principle to Life that is the truth, accurate and stable. The principle of mathematics can never change or be distorted. It is always the same.  We are the ones who do it incorrectly and make mistakes.  It is incapable of making it's own wrong calculations.

Also, musical notes never change their originality or become inharmonious. It is the person creating the music that sings or plays the notes incorrectly, never the actual music.

When counterfeiters make fake money, they always do something incorrectly.  The FBI studies the original and then they can see the inaccuracy in the counterfeit bills.

It is like this when we live our lives.  It sometimes appears that our life or bodies exhibit symptoms of disease and lack in our lives.

It is always us who are imaging false thoughts in our consciousness that produce these results. We are the creators of our of our own reality.  We are not victims but victorious!  It is important to take back our own power.  No one has any power over us.  We are the only thinkers in our minds.

We are 100% responsible for everything that is occurring.  Its only a thought and a thought can be changed.  Easily and effortlessly.  Our point of power is in this present moment!