Monday, December 14, 2020


The power in the Universe is always harmonious. All of the planets are aligned perfectly. Nothing we do can change the Divine order.  There are countless stars, moons, suns and galaxies with myriad planets. It is amazing how our planet has oxygen, gravity, oceans plants and sea life, as well as abundant food and animals. Yet we do not do anything to make it operate. It functions on it's own and nothing we do can stop it. 

I was meditating one morning and this word UNSTOPPABLE came to me. I like to think of this power as a principle in action. Exactly like the law of music and mathematics. There is nothing we can do to pervert or change these principles. Our connection to our souls and spirit is exactly like this. When we think correctly we attract all of this good. It is the law of attraction. Just like gravity and oxygen. It is there unseen.

I am practicing saying all day. I am grateful. As I use this excercise the Universe wants to give me more to be grateful for. Its just the way it works. We are it all and we have it all when we allow this Principle to operate in our lives. Love and Life have no limits. As well as Joy, Abundance and Prosperity.

It is our destiny to receive all of this good, We just have to open ourselves to this Unstoppable Principle that is all around us. We are Powerful, Strong and Unlimited beings.