Sunday, February 21, 2021


In the early 1900's the farming community in the United States was having a problem with it's cotton crops. All of the crops were totally decimated by the Boll weevil bug. It was devasting to the farmers and unless they could solve the problem they would all go bankrupt and lose their land. The farmers starting planting peanuts which was in all ways easier and more productive. These harvested peanut crops earned these farmers much more money than the cotton crops!

So out of chaos and dismay came a solution. This is so true of all of our lives. At times it seems we are devasted by losses beyond our control. However, there is always a solution and sometimes more than one. What may seem hopeless can be turned into a wonderful manifestation of something good and wonderful.

I remember when I was a young teenager. My family had a grease fire in our kitchen. There was fire and smoke damage everywhere. The walls, carpets, curtains, cabinets, appliances, and other items were damaged. Fortunately the fire department arrived quickly and our house did not burn down.

My parents were not rich people. My dad was a teacher and my mother a stay at home mom. For a small deductible the fire insurance replaced all damaged items and painted the inside of the house. What was a tragedy turned into a restorative blessing. My mother thought it was a blessing in disguise. A negative horrendous experience had turned into a solution.