Saturday, November 30, 2019


Looking at life can be optimistic or pessimistic. It is entirely up to us. An optimist sees everything as positive or potentially positive.  While a negative person see most everything as NOT positive.

Even in the most dire of circumstances there is always something to be grateful for.  This life is a big dream machine. What we think about manifests. I believe the Universe is always saying yes to us. It is very important to think and say clearly what we want to see manifest into our lives. Everything starts out as a thought. If we look at piece of furniture, such as a table, it was someone's thought before it was drawn into this material reality.

I know when a small pebble has gotten into my shoe it feels like a boulder.  I immediately take off my shoe and dispose of the tiny  stone. As a matter of fact I can hardly wait to remove it. Its all I can think about and feel.  It is a huge distraction. Amazing that such a tiny thing can make us feel sooo uncomfortable!

It is like that with negative thoughts and emotions. They may seem small but can annoy us and we can't think about anything else. We have enormous things to be grateful for and hundreds of positive thoughts. However, all we are concentrating on is the bothersome ones. Sometimes they can consume us and distract us from our purpose and the task at hand.  Remove the negative thoughts by replacing them with good positive affirmations.  Your life will change in amazing ways that make you feel wonderful!