Saturday, April 28, 2018


I recently went through what I thought was a challenging time in my life.  My home was for sale and it was probably the most difficult buyer and escrow I had experienced in all of my years of selling real estate!  Plus, now I was now committed financially to 2 houses. 

As I was listening to some positive affirmations, I was reminded that this experience would never occur again.  It was temporary, meaning it would change.  Of all the things that lifted me out of gloom and negativity this was it.

The tide goes out, the tide comes in.  Everything is temporary and changing.  I had been feeling stuck and afraid.  After allowing myself to breathe and let go of the fear, which is false evidence appearing real, I realized none of this mattered.

The Universe had never dropped me on my rear, but had given a swift kick to move me forward.  This was my swift kick.  Imagine me not being provided for and taken care of.  I had somehow mesmerized myself into believing that my life was contingent on the sale of a house!  In all of my life, every single need had always been met, one way or another.

Of course my house sold and closed escrow early.  Although, it was challenging,  I saw what seemed to be impossible problems turn into miraculous solutions!  I am so grateful I was able to solve every situation and even love the buyer.  These experiences are opportunities to grow and express gratitude.