Thursday, December 14, 2017


I had an amazing experience a few days ago.  I awoke in the morning and I was totally at peace and calm.  Then I heard a word in my being, "Prana".  I vaguely new the definition, and decided to look it up... Later.  I turned on the television and was led to the Hallmark channel. Within 5 minutes one of the characters in the movie mentioned the word Prana! My mouth fell open and I quickly googled the word.

Prana is the expression of the Universal energy or force which is derived from the infinite spirit, and which permeates and sustains the Universe.  The Japanese call it Ki, and the Taoists call life force energy Chi.  Prana is the Sanskrit word for life force.  It is used in yoga, Indian medicine, and martial arts. The term refers to cosmic energy. The Universal principle of energy or force, responsible for the body's life, heat and maintenance. Prana is the sum total of all energy that is manifest in the Universe.

In essence we are all connected to one another and the Universe with this cosmic energy.  Also, our bodies would naturally be healthy and maintained. This is a great comfort to me.   It is the basis of my own personal beliefs and spirituality.  I believe Spirit wanted to reveal these ideas to me and give me a wake up call and an Aha moment. It was successful!

I had been feeling disconnected. Although, I was endeavoring to stay positive regarding some potential life changes when I received the word Prana. This was inspirational for me as it came straight from the Universe to me.  Easy, effortless and without strain.  It was a lesson for me to know that despite my feelings of separateness I was never disconnected from my source.  A source that knows what we need before we ask.