Tuesday, April 18, 2017


This morning, as I watched the sun rise, I realized how powerful it is.  It is so powerful that nothing can stop it and yet so gentle that it does not harm a blade of grass.

There was a gentle rain falling yesterday in Southern California. Friends were texting me from other areas comparing rain activity. I was reminded of how powerful the Universe is.  The rain and snow goes out and causes the seeds to grow and the bud to blossom. It feeds us all and gives us more than we can possibly use. We all prosper.

When we ask for what we need, we are always answered. Sometimes a request may be just affirmations or a cry for help. Whatever is needed is supplied.

I have had many lovely miraculous and substantial answered requests.  Sometimes at the 11th hour.  I remember the year my husband passed and my house was upside down during a recession,  I did not think I was going to be able to hang on to it.

I recalled an annuity that a relative had ear marked for us. However, another relative took the annuity as it matured and did not pass it on to my family.  It became clear to me what had happened.  I requested the money from them.  At first they said yes, but only sent a small portion.  I had to keep requesting and sent the documentation.  During the year I was paid the full balance.  It was a challenge to keep after them, but my diligence paid off.  It was earmarked for us.

I also found a helpful statement from the Course in Miracles.  It says that it will never happen that you must make decisions for yourself.  You are not bereft of help, and HELP that knows the answer. There were other manifestations of money and abundance that year and in the years to follow.  I was able to stay in my house. When I  doubt, I go back to all of the manifestations of prosperity and the many blessings and favors that have been evident in my life.  We are not victims but victorious victors,