Friday, November 18, 2016


Albert Einstein said, "I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination.  Imagination is more important than knowledge.  Knowledge is limited.  Imagination encircles the world."

We are all artists in our imagination.  We create our own reality every day.  Ask most people and they say they are not artistic or creative.  Yet, every single thought we think, comes from our imaginative minds.  We are the only thinkers in our minds. Who can we really hold responsible, but ourselves.

When I was a child I was obsessed with all fairy tales.  For years I had thought of a series of books that where my own original fairy tales.  The ones I now write about, have a theme running through them, good and light against darkness and wickedness.   I have published my first one.  The book is called, ONCE IN A BLUE MOON BY SUSIE Q GREEN and is available on AMAZON BOOKS. COM, as an E BOOK AND PAPERBACK.  I am in the process of writing book 2.  There will be a trilogy in this series.  These are not children's fairy tales.

Last year I rented a cottage in Laguna Beach, Ca for month.  I had planned on producing my own You Tube Video about my first book.  Nothing was moving forward and I was feeling a bit discouraged.  My friend Connie and I were driving along Pacific Coast Highway.  Connie knew I was a little down, when all of a sudden she said,  "Look Susie,  they are building your beach house!  The orange stakes are all laid out and construction is about to begin."  I got a big smile on my face and we both imagined what this beach house would look like.

This experience, that my sweet friend truly believed in me, lifted me out of my gloom.  Within just a few short weeks another film maker friend helped me produce a great You Tube Video!  He encouraged me to do my own voice over, as well as family members that I had read to over the years.

YOU TUBE.COM, ONCE IN A BLUE MOON BY SUSIE Q GREEN.  If any of my many readers are interested in viewing.  I thank you!

Imagination is a huge part of my life!  I recently met a man in one of my movie meetups,  he asked me if I had an active imagination,  as I write unusual stories.  I of course answered yes, truthfully!

In many of my blog posts I encourage people to visualize and Imagine what they want to see manifest in their lives.  So, it follows that we can use our imagination to create stories, films, art and a whole plethora of life's  exciting expressions.  Living life on purpose and with passion is the most fulfilling and satisfying accomplishments that we can experience!