Monday, September 12, 2016


The beginning and the end are wonderful, the middle not so great.

When we have a wonderful idea for a project, book, script, invention or whatever our dream for creating may be, it is the beginning.  Our ideas are usually exciting, adventurous and downright stimulating! Sometimes we are in awe and astounded. We may wonder how we even came up with the idea?  It is always a gift from the Universe coming to us as something in thought to become a tangible creation.

The middle is the challenge.  We scare ourselves with incessant chatter.  It's our primitive minds.  We are no longer cave people.
However, our fight or flight instincts are still with us.  To learn how to process these negative thoughts, I find sometimes talking it out helps me to realize how silly these suggestions actually are.  Also, positive affirmations crowd out the negative and they disappear.

I really believe the Universe gives us absolutely everything we 
need to bring our ideas to fruition.  It seems the more opposition from ourselves, is just evidence that things will be so fruitful, abundant and successful, that we will be absolutely blown away with the outcome.  Our ego who is our enemy, is trying to stop us from succeeding!  

Thomas Edison said, "When You Have Exhausted All The Possibilities, Remember This, YOU HAVEN'T."

When we think we can we can!  Just last week I decided to manifest something simple.  I had pulled into a local supermarket and parked my car.  I was finishing a business call through the blue tooth in my car.  The call continued for quite a long time. Another shopper left her grocery cart between my car and another car.  I just thought I would use it when I finished my call and entered the store.

While listening to my caller, I decided to visualize someone coming out from the store and collecting the carts.  What happened next was amazing.  A checker came out, looked around the parking lot and came over to the cart in question, pushed it back up to the store where the carts reside and then she went back into the store! Just the one cart and not any others.  Wow! I know that this is a small manifestation, however to me it was huge.  It was very specific and happened quite quickly.

Getting back to the middle and feeling a little stuck.  It is important we keep our goal and dream alive in the middle.  As we dwell on the end result, we can't help but manifest our heart's desires. This is just how it works.  Whatever we concentrate on expands.  Thoughts become our dreams into this material existence.  It is the big dream machine!