Thursday, July 7, 2022


A few years ago, I was driving along the California coast in my convertible.  It was a clear, starry night with a full moon for brightness. I heard a story on a metaphysical station.

This is what I remember.  Buckminister Fuller was an incredible inventor with many patents and a brilliant mind.  Unfortunately, there was a time in his life when extreme financial reverses in many forms depleted his business and life. Also, his young daughter had just passed away.  Fuller was extremely depressed and walked into Lake Michigan to take his own life by drowning.  As he was in the water, he heard a Divine Voice tell him that he had no business doing this.  His life was not his own to take.  As I recall the account that I heard, Fuller looked up at the constellations and conceived ideas related to his numerous architectural designs.  He got out of the water and did not take his life.

I thought it incredibly synchronistic that as I was driving under the stars, there was a situation in my own life that was in need of solving.  I was lifted up in my own thinking and went on to resolve a series of life events that were necessary to the future of my own life, as well as my family's.

The biblical story of Abraham and Sarah is another one I enjoy as it relates to the stars.  I am paraphrasing;  Abraham was promised by God that he and his wife Sarah would conceive a son. Abraham was around 80 as well as his wife.  God told Abraham to go out and look up at the night sky littered with thousands of stars.  The stars would represent the future generations of his descendants. It took many years for this birth to come to pass, close to twenty.  Abraham and Sarah were well beyond their child bearing years when he received this message.  So to be almost 100 and have the promised child was incredible.  When Abraham become discouraged, he did just that, he would go outside and look at the bright stars. Sarah became restless.  She insisted that Abraham sleep with her maid Hagar to produce a son,  Hagar did have a son with Abraham.  But, this was not the promised child. The probability of conceiving this child seemed quite unattainable to Sarah.  However, it did come to pass.  Isaac was born.  The prophecy was fulfilled.

I know in my own life, certain events and accomplishments that I felt destined to accomplish, took longer than I had expected. Sometimes discouragement and doubt creep in.  We must always keep the prize and assurance in the forefront of our minds.  Find a way to manifest our heart's desires and our own destiny.  Hope is the most important anchor to our soul.