Sunday, March 6, 2016


Socrates said, "Be as you wish to seem." Only we can change our lives.  We think hundreds of thoughts every day.  Little thoughts make big dreams possible. Every single thought we think is creating our future. Our point of power is always in this present moment.

I interpret Socrates as saying, if I be as I wish to be, then it must be now. It is really quite simple.  However, it takes discipline to change our thoughts and feelings to a new way.  Our ego and our old tapes think they rule our lives.  We are 100% responsible for everything that happens to us. We are the only thinkers in our mind.  There is a soul, our spirit, or higher self that is trying desperately to give us love, joy, health abundance and success in every beautiful part of this lifetime.

I believe spiritual evolution is a major factor in this life.  We are always being gently nudged or pushed forward with events that one way or another, encourage us onward to our destiny.

Then there is our human evolution.  I would like to share an experience that I witnessed when my youngest daughter was being fit with braces. X-rays, as well as a panorama of her jaw and teeth were taken.  

In discussing the necessary procedure, I spoke to the dentist about my concern that my daughter's wisdom teeth would grow in later, during her late teens, and I asked if that would disrupt the straightened teeth.

The response I received from the dentist is still the most awesome information I have ever witnessed, regarding my daughter's human evolution as well as my own.  He replied, "Oh. your daughter does not have any wisdom teeth." I was so shocked and surprised!  I then asked him, "Why not?"  The dentist held up the x-rays to show me. At the very back in the places where the wisdom teeth would be waiting to push their way into her mouth and try to make her miserable, there was nothing!  My jaw dropped in disbelief, and I again asked him what happened.

This is what the dentist said, "There is a whole generation of children being born without wisdom teeth.  We no longer need them and so they are evolving without them.  I am seeing more and more of this. This is not unusual!"

How did my daughter, this sweet idea, this evolved identity, connected to the God source, have the intelligence within her to uncreate that which she no longer would have need of?

I am still in absolute awe, and so grateful I can recognize what is going on! What a privilege it is to participate in this wonderful synchronistic event.