Tuesday, July 28, 2015


How many times have we looked at what we have and thought, I don't have enough, I need more.  Money, opportunities, love, companionship and miracles of favor pouring into our lives.

Everything starts with our thinking.  When we start with what we have, it expands into more than enough.  It is an offering to the all intelligent, manifesting, creative abundant force that is in the Universe.  Yes, it can be as simple as that!

We all have choices to make.  When my husband and I were first married and living in a rented apartment, I made a choice to put this concept into practice.  (Not that I hadn't chosen this  type of opportunity before, but every time we choose!)

My husband was an electrician.  He had gotten laid off from a job.
We were living paycheck to paycheck.  To say I had the choice to panic as our rent was due on the 1st of the month and we had absolutely no one to ask for help, is and understatement!  He was also trying to break into acting and TV commercials.

In order to get a new electrical position, my husband was required to go in person to the union hall, sign a book and wait every morning, to see if there was a job.  As you moved up the list the opportunity for work was greater.  However, you had to be present or you lost your position in line.

I chose these thoughts; I thought about the economic challenge as a storm.  I decided to let the storm roar without me and not let my emotions get sucked into the distraction of not having enough money and yes sheer panic!  I was able to find my center and thus peace.  I knew there were golden opportunities everywhere and that we were all provided for by a loving, gracious Universe.

I remember getting out the vacuum and allowing the hum of the appliance to keep me from straying in my thoughts.  I almost didn't hear the phone ring, I say almost but I did!

My husband's agent was on the telephone. She was sending him the next day to an interview for a Honda Commercial.  Oh, and he was to dress in a business suit.  Another dilemma.  If he did not go to the union hall first and check the list he would lose his place.  
So, this is what happened.  He dressed in cowboy boots, a western shirt and belt buckle, but brought a suit to change into after checking his name on the list.  If he got a job he would pass on the Honda interview.

There was no electrical job and he was too late to change for the interview in Hollywood, so he went dressed as a cowboy!  There were tons of actors at the interview, all dressed in suits.  There were also women dressed in business wear, with one exception, a woman dressed in western wear! The Japanese company decided to rewrite the commercial. 

A couple was hired, dressed for business, to sit in a small red convertible, a new model of Honda, that was only to be sold in Japan.  Now, here comes the kicker; they hired my husband and the woman dressed in western wear to ride horses and stand beside the new red sports car as observers.  They shot the commercial in Griffith Park, L.A.  Two extra people got an acting job!

This was an extraordinary experience for us.  We had no idea how much my husband was actually going to be paid for this job.    
It all happened so fast.  The check arrived almost immediately and after the agent deducted her 10%, it was for the exact amount of our rent that was due!  Oh, and the day after shooting the commercial my husband went down to the union hall and went to work.  All was well.