Tuesday, May 12, 2015


FEAR represents FALSE EVIDENCE APPEARING REAL.  I know from experience how real fear can seem to be.  When I was in middle school there were a group of girls who tormented me.
Several of them I had attended grade school with.  I was 2 years younger than most of my classmates.  I started the first grade when I was just 4.  Not only was I younger and not very savvy as my 7th grade classmates, but I was immature and shy.  These girls were fast and furious.  When they spoke around me I was clueless!

They decided I was an easy target.  I played sick a lot and almost did not graduate because I missed so much school. But, alas there I was attending the 8th grade.

To say I was terrified was an understatement.  I also knew the worst thing I could do was bring it to my parent's attention and the school authorities.  I just knew that would make it worse, or so I believed.

Fear and it's disabling effects can be depressing and overwhelming. I am not speaking of just being bullied, but fear in all walks of life can come and torment us into stagnation.  We give up our power and need to find a way to take it back!

I had the same walk home as some of these girls.  They decided to harass me all the way home and threatened to beat me up!  I would try to leave earlier or later than they did, but it seemed they caught up to me more than I expected.

My neighbor had been bullied as a child and I confided in him.  He gave me a self help book that helped change my life in regards to making friends and self empowerment, but first I had to get rid of the bullies.

I devised a plan.  I felt like David who was about to slay Goliath.  
He was a big bad bully.  My retaliation had to come with great courage and visualization of my accomplishment.  I visualized that as these bullies threatened me on my walk home, I would stop at my corner, throw down my books as a distraction, pretend to want to fight back and run like the wind down to the safety of my house, if need be.

What transpired was this;  these mean nasty girls verbally abused me all the way home.  They did not live on my block but further away.  When I got to the corner of my street I threw down my books with a huge thud and turned to them and said, "Okay let's fight!  I was shaking like a leaf and all red in the face, but I stood my ground and did not flee. What happened next was amazing. They said, "Oh, your brother is probably hiding in those bushes to protect you."  I actually told them it was just me!  They all walked across the street and I picked up my books and walked home! 

These girls came to respect me and actually made an attempt to be my friend, offer advice on how not to be a geek and fit in.  I never trusted them or became friends with them, but the bullying stopped!
I actually enjoyed going to school and socializing.  I became popular in the 9th grade and it continued throughout high school.  I always had many friends and did not segregate myself from anyone.  My life was happy and joyous and fun!

Standing up to my fear and bullies was a gateway to future challenges that would appear in my life.  Also, that little self help book prepared me for school, friends and empowerment after bullying.

There is always a solution to every problem.  There is a unique and special plan for all of us.  Taking back our power is the first step in accomplishing our goals and going down the road to freedom. I speak from experience and I share this blog with all who need to make a stand and speak up for themselves!