Friday, October 17, 2014


I remember how easy it was for me to learn to manifest by creating dream boards.  I wanted a large boat.  I cut out pictures of myself and my family and glued them onto the photos of boats I might want from brochures received from Yacht brokers.  Yes, I did manifest quite a large boat!  When I needed a large slip for the boat, I was invited to join a yacht club in the marina and was endorsed by a previous manager of the real estate office I was managing.   Oh yes, and did I mention that this position was also a spectacular manifestation into one of the most profitable offices on the west coast!  Also, as mentioned in another post, the agents that worked for me benefited with successful business opportunities by using visualizations, affirmations, and dream boards.

Nothing is impossible!....The Course in Miracles says "There is no order of difficulty in miracles.  One is not "harder" or "bigger" than another.  They are all the same.  All expressions of love are maximal."  Shakespeare said, "Nothing is good or bad but thinking makes it so."

We always have the ability at any time to stop what is going on in our lives and say, "This is not how my story ends."  We are powerful beyond measure and calling into existence whatever we are thinking or saying NOW.  Do we want negative self deprecating events in our lives?  I really don't think any of us do!
There is an incredible, powerful source in the Universe.  It will give us our heart's desire.

There are times that it may be difficult to think or speak on our own behalf.  However, difficult it may be to change our thought process, that has been chattering negative impressions into our lives, the choice is always our own.. so choose again.

There is sometimes resistance.  If a child has been allowed to stay up with no bedtime, and then is told they will have to go to sleep at a reasonable time, most likely they will be uncooperative at first. 
Our inappropriate thoughts are like naughty children.  We must persist, as we will win!...The benefits are enormous!