Saturday, August 30, 2014


There are times we are protected in very strange ways.  Like the family of 7 that became ill with the flu and was unable to travel aboard the ill fated Titanic that hit a glacier and sank.  I am sure most people have had, what seems like something negative, that saved us from being in a life or death situation.  Circumstances beyond our control protected us from the misfortune.

I remember one such experience when I was expecting my first child.  It was a time in my life when a relationship was not working and I chose to go it alone.  However, it was also a tremendous opportunity to gain my peace and security with the divine source. Which was a glorious experience.

It was a Friday and I was standing in a long line at a local bank in my neighborhood at the time.  All of a sudden I felt very ill and knew I had to quickly leave the bank or perhaps pass out.  I exited the line and when I got to the door to leave, a very strange looking woman was standing there.  I said I feel very sick and she unlocked the door and let me out.

I went to my car and reclined my seat all of the way down.  It seemed like a very long time that I was lying there.  I had no cell phone or anyway to call my family for help.  All I could do was gather my thoughts and pray that I would feel better.  Eventually, I sat up, feeling fine.  I drove home and went about the business of fixing dinner and doing chores.

My father called me and told me to turn on the 6 o'clock news.  He then asked me if that was the bank I had gone to that afternoon. The bank was a national bank.  It had been robbed by men that were dressed as women in drag!  The strange woman at the bank door was a man!.

I then shared with my dad what I had experienced.  We were both indeed grateful.  I was not allowed to experience a bank robbery in progress, possibly being told to lie down on the bank floor while I was pregnant and have to go through a harrowing ordeal.  I was protected by unseen forces.

To say that I am a rather stubborn and determined person is an understatement. I may have gotten a quiet message not to go to the bank or to get out of line and leave the bank, but I did not listen.

I have no regrets about how my angels and guides got me out of there!