Wednesday, July 30, 2014


It is so easy to get caught up in the potentiality of the many solutions to our needs and desires.  However, I know from experience that this is not the obvious road to go down.  Whatever our thoughts rest upon expands.  So, let us rest our thoughts on the end goal.  Whatever, that might be for us.  The details will be resolved by the Universe in ways that may seem impossible to us in this present moment.

Everyone is seeking something.  Companionship, health, success, employment, and abundance of money and opportunity.  The Universe is always acting on our behalf.  With that new belief in place, golden opportunities start pouring in!

No matter how difficult it may seem to keep the negative intruding thoughts away, look for obvious solutions, please try to shut out these gremlins.  Everyone that knows me personally, thinks I am a successful manifester.  Yes, I am.  However, that does not mean it is always easier for me to get started.

Meditating is always a good place to start.  I begin with my own visualizations that work for me.  Once, I get started the channels begin  opening and flowing to me.  You must find some that work for you.  There are books, videos, and classes to help get you started.  It is a very personal experience.

I remember a few years ago, I was in great need of financial assistance.  I had a friend that seemed to have it all.  I am not a jealous person, but I did feel some resentment.  I thought,  "Why does she have everything she needs and wants and not ME."

Meditating seemed the obvious place for me to start releasing the fear and resentment.  Once I was deep into a quiet and peaceful place,  a voice that sometimes speaks within me, (call it God, Higher Self, Angel Messages) said, "Do you think I love her more than I love you?"  Wow what a jolt!...I released the fear, resentment and the victim mentality.

In a few days I received some monies that were slated for me and that another family member had taken.  It got me back on my feet and the right track.

We are all Universally Loved by our Creator.  When our thoughts are open and receptive, the floodgates open and we see Miraculous events pour into our lives, Easily and Effortlessly.