Sunday, March 30, 2014


Ultimately,  there is a strong thread in my writings,  about how what we think creates our own realities.  The things we put our attention on expand.  The Course in Miracles says ( and I am paraphrasing) that we are more afraid of our light and power-fullness than our failures.

Einstein wrote, "for us physicists believe the separation between past,  present and future is only an illusion,  although a convincing one."  Time is relative,  thus,  Einstein's Theory of Relativity.  He was surprised and found it hard to believe there were physicists who did not believe in timelessness.  Even now,  with proven theories of space travel and how it affects our "sense of time" some physicists have been slow to give up old beliefs.

Many of the newest scientific discoveries of quantum physics can bend and blow away our archaic beliefs and concepts.

The famous author and psychiatrist,  Brian Weiss originally treated his patients with conventional therapy and medication.   His first experience into the unknown world of past lives and in between lives, came one day while placing a patient under hypnosis and taking her back to her childhood.  She went beyond her childhood  and mentally traveled back to other lifetimes and in between lives and brought Brian information about his life that no one would know.  No such thing as Google or the Internet existed.  LOL.  

These experiences changed the doctor's life and beliefs.  As well as,  this patient and many others,  who were able to clear disturbing events from past lives, and created healing and wonderful changes in this current life.   Mind blowing concepts and proven theories!

My gratitude is that I am open and receptive.  I am certain,  to the readers of my blog,  that you are also on a journey for infinite truth.