Thursday, February 6, 2014


It is so important to think correctly.  Whatever we want to manifest is so much more easily accomplished if we dwell on our successes.

 There is a saying "Gratitude is riches, complaint is poverty."   We always seem to have something small to be grateful for.   Since what we concentrate on expands,  I am reminded to look at the good in my life.

When I was a small child,  my father,  in his infinite wisdom,  brought me to the kitchen sink.   He said,  "When you have a hard time being grateful,  turn on the water faucet and know there are millions of people who do not have running water in the world.   It was a poetic and simple message.   One that I have thought of this past week and knew I had to write about it.

My dad was a prisoner of war during World War II.   He was captured by the Germans after his plane had engine trouble and his co-pilot and himself had to parachute out.  They both hid for several days in barns and were finally captured.   My father was an officer in the air force and put in a barrack with the other officers who were prisoners of war.  There was  no running water.  The conditions were not good, even though the Geneva convention was in place.

All of the prisoners were sent on death marches in the snow.   It was always a surprise "March".   My dad was a great intellect and survivor.  When the care packages were delivered by the red cross,  he had the men melt the chocolate and put in nuts and raisins.   He created energy bars, which they hid and put in their clothing for such an event.  This allowed them energy and strength, as their food was scarce and their energy waning.  They were able to help one another during the marches,   pick up and drag the very weak back to the Nazi camp.   While my father was there they did not lose even one man on those death marches!

Eventually,  the war was won and he was released.  My dad spent over a year in deplorable conditions and I believe he was always grateful for the bounty of food and water back home in the states.   My father did not like to talk about his ordeal much,  and if he did was stories like this one that were about gratitude and survival.

Let us all take a moment and count our blessings.   I know each and every one of us has something simple we can be grateful for,  that someone else in the world may feel is unattainable at this moment.   My affirmation is that everyone may manifest their hearts desire and have abundance, health and peace.