Sunday, December 8, 2013


Thank you to all of my readers.  I am so fortunate to have you read my writings from the close and far corners of this wide world.  I am amazed and grateful every day to see the list continuing to grow!

I have been thinking today about all of the ways my life has been touched and coordinated by the Divine Intelligence in the Universe,  on the checkerboard of my life.  The stories are indeed endless.  However, I share this one with my friends today.

Several years ago, I attended a family gathering of my friend Sue's family reunion.  I had brought a beautiful and rather expensive stained glass lamp to give to her.  Sue had recently moved into her own place and I had moved and no longer had a place for the lamp.  This lamp had a great sentiment attached to it for myself.  When her sister in law spotted it, she fell in love with it!..Sue asked me if it was okay with me if she gave it to her sweet sister in law.  I of course said yes!.. I also learned that day Sue's brother was a local veterinarian.

Fast forward to current time.  Recently,  my daughter was at the horse ranch taking care of her horse Smokey.  (You can read about that experience in a previous blog entitled Horses And Last Wishes).  There was an accident involving a chicken and the poor thing was in pain and dying.  None of the big strong workers had the guts to put it out of it's misery.  So, my sweet daughter put the chicken in a carrier and drove to the local vet's office.  Guess who the vet was?  My friend Sue's brother!  When my daughter realized who it was she told him this, "I am the daughter of your sister's best friend Susan.  She is the one who gave your wife the stained glass lamp in your bedroom.  He quickly took the chicken and put it down humanely.  He also did not charge my daughter for the services.  Wow!  I have so very many stories like this one (not involving chickens).  LOL

Yes, we are all connected so closely to one another..  In this lifetime, the ones before and ones yet to come.  Please share your love with one another. Human kindness is overflowing.  LOVE....LOVE....LOVE ONE ANOTHER!