Thursday, May 23, 2013


A friend called my last night and asked if I could help her two daughters find an answer to something unusual that had happened to them.  The younger daughter was visiting the older sister at her home.  As they were sitting on the sofa discussing major life events, a loud female voice called the older sister by name.  The younger one also heard this voice.  They both got up and looked everywhere, including outside.  No one was to be found.  Both sisters were somewhat freaked out and the next day I received the call.  I explained that we are connected to unseen help.  Angels, guides, helpers, all connected to the divine mind.  I shared one of my own experiences with them, and assured them that what they heard was most likely a loving impartation.

When I was at work one day, I was wondering if I was pregnant with my first child, as I walked into the ladies room with a co-worker.  I was thinking this question to myself, and then a loud booming  male voice said "You are pregnant".   My friend heard it too.  She looked in all of the stalls for this intruder.   No one was to be found!  That was the first time someone other than myself,  had heard the "voice",  I was relieved!  Now I no longer question the validity of these experiences.  I always hear a male voice.  However, there are many who hear a female informer.  Since the divine energy is both masculine and feminine and is the creative force in the universe, this is not surprising.

I remember reading once about a woman who received such a message.  It was a suggestion for her protection.  She was traveling on a plane, when a voice suggested "she may want to put on her seat belt, as she was about to go on the ride of her life."  Fortunately, she seat belted herself in tightly.  Next thing she knew there was an explosion that blew out the doors and windows.  The suggestion saved her life!  Although the plane crashed into the water, she survived the ordeal.  She was very grateful indeed, for the loving instruction she received.