Sunday, May 1, 2022


This is a true story about a lemon tree.  Several years ago I sold a house to my childhood friend and her husband.  In the backyard is the most luscious and generously abundant lemon tree I have ever experienced.

This incredible tree produces gorgeous, large yellow lemons, consistently, easily and effortlessly.   Whenever I or someone I know is struggling with a money issue or some kind of limitation, I remind myself of this tree.

The universe that creates and maintains this tree, never says, "I think this tree manifests too many lemons and therefore I will limit the amount it is allowed to produce".  No, instead it keeps abundantly growing more and more lemons!  As a matter of fact, some years the branches are so heavy with fruit that my friends have to cut down the branches! Yet, year after year, season after season and at all times, this tree is more than abundant.

We are all connected to the same abundant God source.  There is no reason, other than in our own limited thinking, why we can't have an abundance of money or anything else that we may need or want in this life.  We are all abundantly loved and connected and provided for by an enormously generous Universe.