Tuesday, November 23, 2021


 There is always more. The Universe never stops evolving or producing less.  It is always giving abundance, prosperity, lavishness and more than enough. Our paths never end. There is always a new possiblity, although at times we may not see it.

I had a few experiences that showed me we are always provided for and watched over. I had purchased some clothing and one of the tags while the cashier was ringing up said $9.99. It rang up $19.99.  The cashier tried to tell me the 1 was invisible. I asked for a manager as the law states if it is marked a certain price the store has to sell it for that price. She ignored me when I requested a manager and my children were getting embarrassed. So I let it go, but it really bothered me. On the way to the car my granddaughter found a $10 bill on the ground! No one was around who may have dropped it.  It was an immediate manifestation of the amount I was cheated out of.  I insisted she keep it of course.

 A dear friend of mine was killed in an auto accident. I was shocked and very sad. This friend had sold some items for me and owed me $150.  I was out eating at a spot where I had last eaten with her and her husband. I would never have asked her husband for the money under the circumstances. I was thinking wouldn't it be nice if the money would come to me in another way? That week a shipment of masks I had ordered 50 masks for $5 arrived. When I opened the package it was the more expensive N95 masks. They can go as high as $5 a piece. The company sent them to me instead of the triple layered regular masks.  I paid $5 for the order of 50 regular masks. I contacted the vendor and they said keep them.  They came to approximately $250. Another manifestation of a return of money in a way I had never expected.

There was an older woman selling candles outside of the grocery store. She was telling people that she needed to care for her young grandchild. The candles were probably purchased at the $1 store. She was charging $5 for them.  Something in her demeanor wanted me to be generous with her. I handed her a $20 bill and told her to keep the candle.

When I got home and opened my mail there was a letter from a family member with a $20 bill. I had sent her something and told her not to pay me. I was astounded!  The last manifestation of unexpected good and abundance I would like to share is when I went to help a family member who was selling some items at her booth. It was quite far but I told her I would watch the booth so she could use the bathroom and get something to eat. I realized that I was very low on gas and made a mental note to get some before I headed home. When I arrived in the parking lot, on my way to her booth, I looked down and saw a wadded up $20 bill on the ground.  I looked around to see if anyone had dropped it. At that point no one was in the parking lot. So I used it for gas on the way home!

These were all small manifestations. They were totally unexpected. I have had so many others. As well as big miraculous events in my life.  I will share more in another blog. I am so very grateful to know I am connected to the infinite Mind who knows all things.