Sunday, August 1, 2021


We are always guided by the intelligence within us.  This is also called our intuition or the still small voice.  All of the answers are easily tapped into if we pay attention, listen to the internal whispering and allow positive thoughts to guide us.  This may seem far out to some who believe in a random world.  Nothing happens by accident.  Everything is an out picturing of our thinking.  We cannot afford the luxury of a negative thought.

I recently heard someone share a mental imagery that proves this point.  In your mind picture a perfectly ripe large juicy lemon.  Feel it's firm yellow skin in your hands.  Now take a very sharp knife and cut into the lemon.  See and feel the knife cutting into the lemon and juices flowing out onto the cutting board.  Take half of the lemon and take a big bite out of it.  I bet your mouth is salivating and filling with moisture.  Well, that is how fast thought affects our bodies and our lives.

Shakespeare said, "Nothing is either good or bad but thinking makes it so."  Our thoughts are always out picturing dis-ease or health onto our bodies.  We attract abundance into our lives or we chase it away.  Much of this is going on in our sub conscious.  Can you imagine how powerful our thoughts are with the conscious application of affirming positive thoughts and visualizations?

When we take responsibility for our own thinking and lives, stop blaming others, it manifests quite quickly.  You can start out small and work your way up to bigger manifestations.  However, if you believe in big possibilities, then you will manifest those as well! We all have a place within us that nothing is impossible and perfect peace exists.